We launched our proprietary GrowSentry™ Internet Monitoring Technology over 15 years ago when the Internet was still young and Internet monitoring was pretty rare. People called that revolutionary, and it was.
That technology has expanded and improved over time to now provide the most complete, predictive, protective, and remote monitoring and control technology in the industry. Now customized to become GrowSentry™, specifically designed for grow room monitoring, no other technology compares in its ability to maximize the performance, value, and reliability of your dehumidifier.
The ultimate in performance monitoring
The best part about GrowSentry™? It’s built into every single dehumidifier we make to provide a lifetime of Internet monitoring, remote control, and remote data recording – at no cost! All you have to do is connect it to the Internet with a simple Ethernet cable (Wi-Fi and cellular options are also available). GrowSentry™ then connects securely with our remote servers and begins sending performance data every 60 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – for the ultimate in performance monitoring.
The ultimate extended warranty
With sophisticated dehumidification equipment, a lifetime of service and reliability begins with expert installation, start-up, and commissioning. With the aid of GrowSentry™ live monitoring, when your installing contractor takes advantage of AGronomic IQ Series WebCheck™ Intensive 90-day monitoring, it’s like the same engineers and technicians who designed and built your dehumidifier watching over it remotely for the first critical three months of operation. That’s why when GrowSentry™ is connected at start-up, we automatically provide you and your contractor with a premium, one-year extended labor warranty.

GrowSentry™ advantages
- Real peace of mind – free 24/7 unit monitoring for life
- Robust online reporting of real-time performance data
- A standard feature on every AGronomic IQ Series unit
- Simple plug and play Ethernet connection
- Optional Wi-Fi and cellular connections available
- Works in parallel with BACnet, Lon Works, and Modbus
- Secure access and control via computer, tablet, or smartphone
- Connection activates premium extended first-year labor warranty
- Authorized technicians can fine tune unit performance remotely
- Real-time monitoring of all sensors, including refrigeration pressures
- Historical operating data logs stored on remote servers
- Remote access and control for authorized service personnel
- Automated maintenance reminders and service alerts
- Alarm service with automated emails to key personnel or service contractors